Staff intranet

Probation process


The first few weeks in a new job are a crucial time for the individual to learn and gain an understanding about their role.  By developing an early understanding of how the Cumberland Council and School functions and the services it provides the new employee will gain a sense of fulfilment and belonging to the organisation.


This procedure applies to all employees of the Cumberland Council and all school based support staff for whom there is no specific procedure laid down in national or local conditions of service.

It is expected that governing bodies of all community and voluntary controlled schools would adopt this procedure.  Foundation and voluntary aided schools and academies are encouraged to do the same.


All external appointments will be subject to a six month probationary period irrespective of any previous continuous service.  During this period suitability for the post will be assessed and continued employment will be subject to satisfactory reports.  If at any time during the probationary period adverse reports are received, the Cumberland Council/School may terminate this appointment by giving the appropriate contractual notice in writing.  In exceptional circumstances, the probationary period may be extended.