Staff intranet

Probation process - Probationary period

Successful completion of probationary period

Once the final interview has taken place at 26 weeks, the Line Manager should collate the Assessment of Probation reports (12 and 20 week) confirming a successful probationary period. The manager will write to the employee confirming that the probationary period has been completed to a satisfactory level.  A copy of the letter must also be sent to the HR by either:

Problems during probationary period 

If there are concerns about any aspect of an individual’s performance, these should be discussed with the individual as soon as possible and not left to the next scheduled review meeting. In such cases the following is recommended:

  • review meetings are held more frequently
  • action plans updated and monitoring times adjusted where necessary
  • identify shortfalls so that both parties are clear about expected performance
  • confirm what action is to be taken to address any shortfalls
  • agree how any new actions are to be monitored 
  • set timescales for action plan

If the line manager continues to have concerns about the employee’s performance, advice should be taken from the HR team/HR provider.

Where it is clear that the employee is unable to meet the required performance, the Line Manager’s Assessment of Probation Period must be sent to their respective manager stating the recommendation that the appointment should not be confirmed. 

After considering the Assessment of Probation Period reports, the manager and the line manager will make a final decision regarding the dismissal of the new employee.  When considering the probationary reports, the manager will want to ensure:

  • there is written evidence of review meetings with clearly defined objectives
  • sufficient support and guidance has been provided
  • extension of the probation period, under exceptional circumstances, would not improve performance
  • the employee fully understands the situation and has had adequate opportunity to improve, or meet the required standards

Probationary period dismissal procedure

The manager must write to the employee confirming the circumstances that are leading to potential dismissal and inviting them to a meeting to discuss the matter and advising them of their right to be accompanied by a trade union representative or work colleague.  The employee will be notified of the meeting as soon as possible but must be given not less than five working days' notice in writing of the date, time and place of the meeting.

The manager will notify the relevant senior manager who will conduct the meeting.

In a school based setting a probationary period dismissal will be dealt with by the Headteacher where Governors have delegated the power to dismiss.  School based staff should submit an appeal in writing to the Chair of Governors.

The employee must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting. If the employee has a reasonable excuse for being unable to attend the meeting, or his/her trade union representative or work colleague is unable to attend, a postponement will be arranged.  A new date will be set which does not delay the process unduly.  However, where the employee is persistently unable or unwilling to attend without good cause, a decision will be made on the available evidence.  

The employee and/or their representative will be given the opportunity to state their case. The manager and others who have been involved in providing support to the employee will provide information on what actions have been taken.

After the meeting the senior manager must notify the employee in writing of the decision and notify the employee of their right to appeal against the decision if they are not satisfied with it. This will include details of the senior manager who the appeal should be addressed to.

If the employee does wish to appeal they must inform the senior manager within five working days of the date of notification of the decision of the meeting.  The appeal will be acknowledged within five working days.

The employee will be invited to a further meeting and must take all reasonable steps to attend. Employees have the right to be accompanied by a trade union representative or work colleague at this meeting.

After the appeal meeting the manager concerned must inform the employee in writing of the final decision.

There is no further right of appeal.

Extension of probationary period

In very rare and exceptional circumstances the probationary period may be extended to allow the individual more time to reach the required level of performance. The individual should be informed of this decision as soon as possible.  The line manager will issue a letter confirming the extended probationary period to the individual.  Any extension period should not exceed eight weeks.