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Retirement, Reengagement and Abatement - Fire Service policy - Firefighters Pension Scheme – Pensionable Age

Employees should request information from Local Pension Partnership Administration who are able to provide accurate information on retirement dates and pension figures. 

Firefighter Pension Scheme (1992 Scheme)

In the FPS 1992 the normal pension age is 55 and the minimum 50, provided that the individual is able to reckon at least 25 years’ pensionable service.

Firefighters may retire from the age of 50, having completed at least 30 years pensionable service, with the option to commute up to 25% of their annual pension in favour of a one-off lump sum. 

Firefighters aged over 50 but under 55, with at least 25 years but less than 30 years pensionable service, may retire with the option to commute up to 2.25 x their annual pension into a lump sum.

New Firefighters Pension Scheme (2006 Scheme) 

In the NFPS the minimum pension age is 55 with a normal pension age of 60. Firefighters may retire from the age of 60, with the option to take a ‘commuted portion’ which is limited to one quarter of the pension entitlement. 

Firefighters aged over 55 may retire with the appropriate actuarial reduction; the reduction is currently 5% for each year up to 65 of the deferred pension age.

Firefighters Pension Scheme (2015 Scheme) 

Normal pension age is 60 but, individuals remain an active Scheme member, and can continue to accrue pension (and would get an "age addition" to reflect the fact that they have postponed receipt of their pension). Employees may request payment of their pension before age 60 provided that they have reached age 55. It may be reduced, though, to reflect early retirement. 

Read more information on the 2015 scheme (