Staff intranet

Outside commitments guidance - Code of Conduct - Managing conflicts

Employees are responsible for managing any conflicts that arise between the council’s interests and their own outside commitments. However, when potential conflicts arise it is advisable to discuss them with your line manager at the earliest opportunity to ensure that any additional conflict management that the council could undertake is actioned. For example, an officer in the commissioning team that volunteers in an Age UK shop may become aware that Age UK are bidding for a contract the council is tendering. Whilst working in a shop is unlikely to give rise to an actual conflict, a link between the commissioners and a bidder may look untoward to other bidders. As a result, if the employee discusses the matter with their line manager they can ensure that the employee only works on commissioning matters outside of Age UK’s interests (for example children’s commissioning, etc.) and that suitable information barriers are in place. This will ensure that the council remains, and is seen to remain, impartial.

Open, honest and frank discussions between employees with outside commitments and the council is therefore important.