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Officer Code of Conduct - Separation of roles during tendering

10.1 Officers involved in a tendering process and/or dealing with contractors must ensure they carry out their duties in a clear, transparent and fair way. 

10.2 There must be a clear separation of client and contractor roles. Senior officers who have both a client and contractor responsibility must ensure clear accountability, transparency and openness. 

10.3 Officers in contractor or client services must exercise fairness and impartiality when dealing with all customers, suppliers, other contractors and subcontractors. 

10.4 Officers who have access to confidential information on tenders or costs relating to either internal or external contractors must not disclose that information unless there is clear and specific authorisation to do so. 

10.5 Officers must declare any relationship which may have the potential to conflict with the tendering process or could be perceived by others as a potential reason for bias.