Staff intranet

Market supplements scheme - Apply for the payment of a market supplement

Application for and agreement

Appendix 1: Application for the payment of market supplement

Appendix 2: Agreement

Approval process

The hiring manager should complete this approval form and submit it to their Assistant Director ensuring that they have gathered and can supply all the relevant documentary evidence as detailed in the application form below. In cases where large numbers of employees may be involved or where the supplements are part of a package of recruitment and retention initiatives, a full report to CMT may be necessary as an alternative to this application process. The report must cover the essential information to ensure the supplements are justified.

The application should be considered by the Directorate DMT and then approved and signed by the appropriate Corporate Director. The final decision will be made by the Senior Manager, People Management, to ensure that all issues of fairness and corporate consistency are taken into account.

The total costs of payments (including on costs as market supplements will be considered as pay for pension, NI and tax purposes) will be met by the employing directorate from within existing or available resources.

Payments will be made through the Service Centre payroll and will be subject to the appropriate statutory deductions. They will however be clearly identified as a separate payment from the substantive salary.

The payment of market supplements will be included in the monthly management information.

Managers must review these payments regularly and inform the Service Centre when the Market Supplement should cease.