Staff intranet

The recruitment process: step-by-step

This procedure is intended to support managers and applicants with the aim of ensuring timely recruitment and induction to help maintain council services.

Who this process is for

The procedure is intended to support managers and applicants with the aim of ensuring timely recruitment and induction to help maintain council services. It is recommended by the Executive Director – People, that this policy is adopted by schools.  Where adopted by a school, for “Executive Director” read “Headteacher/Chair of Governors” and for “People Management” read “HR provider”.

Where the post involves contact with service users, managers should refer to the safe recruitment procedure to make sure people who may present a risk of harm are not allowed to work with children or adults in the council’s care.

This guidance should be read in conjunction with the Recruitment, Appointment and Induction policy and the guidance and templates.


You will find information below on the recruitment process and procedures. All managers must follow the recruitment process when seeking to fill a vacancy. 

What you need to know:

  • a recruitment freeze is in place meaning there are restrictions on the types of roles that can be filled
  • there is a new vacancy authorisation process in place. Step 2 below provides further information on this
  • a Values-Based interview process is now in place for roles that have a managerial responsibility. This means, questions from our Values-Based Recruitment guidance should be applied at interview to assess how individuals align to our values. Step 6 below provides further information on this
  1. Ensure the post specification is accurate

    All manager's must make the post specification for the vacancy is accurate and graded correctly.

  2. Obtaining authority to recruit

    Authorisation to recruit is required from any confirmed Extended Leadership Team (ELT) officer in Cumberland Council from 1 April 2023.

  3. Advertising your vacancy

    The Resourcing Team will process the vacancy so it is advertised on the appropriate authority job site.

  4. Shortlisting

    After the application closing date, a shortlisting pack, including all application forms, will automatically be sent via email to the main recruitment contact for the campaign.

  5. Inviting to interview

    Recruiting Managers are responsible for contacting shortlisted applicants and inviting them to interview.


  6. Interviewing

    Recruiting managers are responsible for conducting interviews with shortlisted applicants and there must be at least two individuals involved in the interview and selection process for each candidate.


  7. Conditional offer and feedback to candidates

    Recruiting managers should verbally offer the preferred candidate the position and outline it is subject to pre-employment clearances.

  8. arranging a start date, onboarding and induction

    Information about ensuring you get your staff the access to buildings and systems they need and that you plan to welcome them to Cumberland Council with a thorough induction.