Most of the content on this intranet is made up of ex county council information due to the county intranet being turned off. Please read the blog to find out more about how we have developed this new intranet and where you can go to find information that relates to you.
Resourcing options
Strategies and schemes available to managers to recruit and retain skilled staff.
Resourcing options for managers
Guidance on resourcing options for Managers (DOC 667KB)
Career grade scheme
The Career Grade Scheme is available to Managers to support the recruitment and retention of appropriately skilled staff where jobs are hard to fill or to enable the transition for Apprentices or a person engaged through an agency / consultancy (Externally Provided Workforce) into employment with the Council. There are key principles detailed in the Scheme which must be followed and the employee is expected to commit to working for the council for a minimum of 3 years after successfully achieving the required standards in the full role. The manager must obtain approval and ensure that the appropriate training (including qualification training if applicable) and other support is available before progressing with a career grade.