Staff intranet

Casual workers, consultants and other externally provided workers

Guidance on managing casual workers and externally provided workforce, including agency workers and contractors.

Casual workers

Casual workers are workers as opposed to employees. This means that they have a limited set of employment rights. The document below provides guidance on the use and management of casual workers.

Casual workers guidance(DOC 475KB)

Externally provided workforce

The Council uses third party providers - employment agencies - to engage agency workers, interims, self-employed consultants or contractors (the 'Externally Provided Workforce', EPW). The document below provides interim guidance for managers on how to engage these individuals in line with procurement and employment legislation and the Council's rules and procedures.

Externally provided workforce guidance (DOC 724KB)

Externally provided workforce Business Case (DOC 220KB)

For each new or extended EPW's the manager must complete an IR35 assessment to determine how and when their tax and NI contributions are paid. Please see the guidance below for further details:- 

Externally Provided Workers IR35 Guidance (DOC240KB)