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Dementia toolkit

Living with dementia toolkit for people with dementia and their carers.

The living with dementia toolkit is for people with dementia and their carers. This set of resources is based on research, and the expert experiences of people with dementia and their carers. These resources are here to:

  • give you hope for the future
  • inspire you through examples of real-life experiences
  • offer ideas to help you live your life as you choose

University of Exeter and Innovations in Dementia have been working with people over the last 12 months to create the toolkit of advice and information that people living with or affected by dementia. It is a good resource that you can signpost both people with a diagnosis or those caring for someone with dementia to and has been supported by Alzheimer's society and NIHR. 

Living with Dementia Toolkit

Carers and managers information and support

Many employees have caring responsibilities outside of their working environment. 

Sources of information about issues facing carers.