Staff intranet

e5 access and user guidance

Access Budget Manager, e-Procurement, all e5 Modules, authorise requisitions, goods receipt, access reporting dashboards and key reports.

e5 access

To request access to e5, e-Procurement and /or Budget Manager please complete the e5 access form.  The form must then be counter signed by the line manager and finance manager for the service.  Please send the form to

e5 access form (DOC 547KB)

e5 access form completion guidance (DOC 61KB)

Access the e5 portal

e5 guidance


Worksheets are quick bite-size guides to specific areas of the upgraded e5 system, covering navigation and useful functions. They are intended for all users, they are not specific to modules and do not deal with transaction processing.

Basic Navigation (PDF 311KB) - navigation in the e5 home screen

Journal Budget Uploads (1.2Mb)

Common icons and function keys (PDF 180KB)

Favourite Enquiries, Function Search and Function History (PDF 336KB) -shortcuts to functions

Prompt and Fast Prompt (PDF 121KB) - assistance in searching

Excel download (PDF 306KB) - downloading data to an Excel spreadsheet

e5 general ledger guidance (PDF 957KB)

How to check the Scheme of Delegation for a slipped invoice (PDF 217 KB)

How to check the Scheme of Delegation for a purchase order cost centre (PDF 190KB)


Manuals are longer and more detailed reference documents.

e5 Navigation Manual (PDF 2MB) - general guide to using the e5 system effectively.