Most of the content on this intranet is made up of ex county council information due to the county intranet being turned off. Please read the blog to find out more about how we have developed this new intranet and where you can go to find information that relates to you.
Corporate Health and Safety Information
Information and advice relating to corporate health and safety.
Cumberland Council has duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to protect the health and safety of its employees and other people (e.g. service users and members of the public) who may be affected by Council activities
The Council has a legal duty to prepare a Corporate Health and Safety Policy Statement and communicate this to employees. The statement recommended sets out the overall policy of the Council and demonstrates a clear vision and commitment for how health, safety and wellbeing should be managed and continually improved.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require employers to appoint one or more “competent persons” to assist them in complying with statutory health and safety requirements. The Council’s competent persons are in post within the Corporate Health and Safety Team, led by the interim Health and Safety Manager and supported by Assistant Director- Assets and Fleet
Read or download the Corporate H&S and Wellbeing Policy 2023.