Staff intranet

Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing) Policy - About this policy

1.1 Cumberland Council’s aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents. Our services have a direct and indirect impact on our resident’s health and wellbeing so we are committed to being a high performing council. We want our residents to benefit from excellent, efficient and enterprising public services. 

1.2 To achieve this we must take a positive, risk aware approach to fraud, bribery and corruption in order to protect our resources and enable them to be focused on achievement of these strategic objectives. This includes having the right processes in place to allow all stakeholders an opportunity to raise legitimate concerns. 

1.3 The council is committed to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability in carrying out its functions. All staff are expected to maintain high standards. Any suspected wrongdoing should be reported as soon as possible. 

1.4 This policy covers all employees, officers, consultants, contractors, casual workers, agency workers, elected Members and volunteers and explains the protection and support that is available for 'whistleblowers'. 

1.5 Council customers may also wish to raise concerns covered by this policy with their council contact or with any of the contacts listed at the end of this policy. 

1.6 Any prospective 'whistleblower' can seek support from their Trade Union either before raising a concern or at any time during a concern being considered under this policy.